============================================================================ DOORS-BY-MAIL - PAGE 1 Prices effective through 10/31/92 == GROUP 1 DOORS =========================================================== Remote Shell $3.00 US, $3.75 CAN, or œ2.5 UK [ ] Mycroft Text Door $3.00 US, $3.75 CAN, or œ2.5 UK [ ] Opinion Poll $3.00 US, $3.75 CAN, or œ2.5 UK [ ] Remote Editors (RPE & RBE) $3.00 US, $3.75 CAN, or œ2.5 UK [ ] Sherlock Holmes + Cases 13-18 $3.00 US, $3.75 CAN, or œ2.5 UK [ ] == GROUP 2 DOORS =========================================================== Robot Gladiators $10.00 US, $12.50 CAN, or œ8 UK [ ] The Fictitious Stock Exchange $10.00 US, $12.50 CAN, or œ8 UK [ ] U-Boat $10.00 US, $12.50 CAN, or œ8 UK [ ] == GROUP 3 DOORS =========================================================== The Mycroft Casino $20.00 US, $25.00 CAN, or œ16 UK [ ] Wizard Wars (Deliver summer 92) $20.00 US, $25.00 CAN, or œ16 UK [ ] == GROUP 4 DOORS =========================================================== Stellar Quest $70.00 US, $87.50 CAN, or œ55 UK [ ] == PACKAGE ORDERS ========================================================== Combined Package A3 $8.00 US, $10.00 CAN, or œ5 UK [ ] (All Group 1 doors) Combined Package B3 $35.00 US, $47.50 CAN, or œ27.5 UK[ ] (All Group 1 and 2 doors) Combined Package C3 $55.00 US, $70.00 CAN, or œ44 UK [ ] (All Group 1, 2, and 3 doors) Combined Package I3 $100.00 US, $120.00 CAN, or œ90 UK [ ] (All doowrare) ** MISC. CHARGES *********************************************************** --> Applicable sales tax (see individual dealers) __________ [ ] --> Shipping & Handling $2.00 US, $2.50 CAN, or œ1.5 UK [><] **************************************************************************** Total (check or money order enclosed): _______________ If ordering by credit card (from dealers that indicate they accept credit cards), please fill out the following: Card name: _____________________ Acct #: ________________________ Cardholder signature: __________________________ Exp. Date: _______ ============================================================================ DOORS-BY-MAIL - PAGE 2 Prices effective through 10/31/92 ============================================================================ DOORS-BY-MAIL NAME & ADDRESS P L E A S E T Y P E O R P R I N T C A R E F U L L Y E X A C T L Y A S Y O U W A N T T H E I N F O T O S H O W I N Y O U R R E G I S T E R E D C O P I E S Shipments with problems cannot be guaranteed without a voice contact phone Registered to : _____________________________ BBS name : _____________________________ BBS type (ie PCBoard): _____________________________ BBS data number : (______)_____________________ Voice contact number : (______)_____________________ [ ] Home [ ] Work Voice contact hours : ___________ to _____________ Ship to name : _____________________________ Ship to address : _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOORS-BY-MAIL DISK SUPPORT Please check ALL disk formats you can support --- Disks I can support: 3.50" 720K [ ], 3.50" 1.44M [ ] 5.25" 360K [ ], 5.25" 1.20M [ ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ Mycroft Systems Official Dealer Listings ============================================================================ -------------------------------------------------- MAIN SYSTEM - UNITED STATES -------------------------------------------------- BBS name : Mycroft Systems BBS Mailing address : Mycroft Systems P.O. Box 7672 San Jose, CA. 95150 BBS telephone : (408)927-0105 BBS Baud rate : 2400 (HST down at moment) Net mail address : None -------------------------------------------------- * Make check payable to Mycroft Systems * California residents add local sales tax (6.0 to 7.0%) * Sorry, no credit cards (hopefully in the near future) -------------------------------------------------- UNITED STATES (EAST OF MISSIPPI) -------------------------------------------------- BBS name : NEOCOM Game Connection Mailing address : David A. Fife 416 Church St. #7 Martinsville, VA. 24112 BBS telephone : (703)638-1952 BBS Baud rate : 300-14,400 HST 9600 V32 Net mail address : FIDO 1:264/615, DoorNet 75:100/1 -------------------------------------------------- * Make check payable to David A. Fife * Virginia residents add local sales tax of 4% * VISA & Master charge accepted on orders of $30 or more * Online credit card door available for fast orders -------------------------------------------------- CANADA -------------------------------------------------- BBS name : AmNet BBS Mailing address : Peter Baker 75 des Tilleuls Points-aux-Trembles, Quebec Canada H1B-1M8 BBS telephone : (514)640-3057 BBS baud rate : 14.4K HST Net mail address : Fido 1:167/129 -------------------------------------------------- * Make checks payable to Peter Baker * Quebec residents add 8% sales tax * Canadian residents add 7% federal sales tax